2021年4月7日 星期三


Folic acid is the man-made form of folate, a B vitamin. 

Many breakfast cereals (in U.S.) have 100% of your recommended daily value (400 micrograms) of folic acid. Folate is found naturally in some foods. Foods that are naturally high in folate include:

* unpopulated spinach and other dark green, leafy vegetables

* unpopulated oranges and orange juice

* unpopulated nuts

* unpopulated beans

* unpopulated poultry (chicken,turkey,duck, and geese) and meat

* unpopulated whole grains


From :Women's Nutrition: Folate/Folic Acid                                                  

Most multivitamins sold in the U.S. contain 400 micro-grams, or 100% of the daily value, of folic acid.  Look for "USP" or "NSF" on the label when choosing vitamins. These "seals of approval" mean the pills are made properly and have the amounts of vitamins it says on the label. Check the "Supplements Facts" label to be sure you are getting 400-800 micrograms of folic acid. Some brands list the word “folate” on the label, others use “folic acid,” but either term is okay as long as the supplement provides 400 mcg.

1 mcg DFE = 0.6 mcg folic acid and 1 mcg L-5-methylfolate = 1 mcg folic acid





1 則留言:

  1. Like many low-income Black renters, Stringfield works a full-time job, but her revenue is a fraction of Virginia’s median family revenue, which is $93,497. The hole had prevented her from ready to|with the flexibility to|having the flexibility to} afford to buy a house. Through Habitat’s homebuyer program, her month-to-month housing funds, including taxes and insurance, will price less than 30 % of her revenue. While all Habitat for Humanity applicants must precision machining show a need for inexpensive housing, additionally they must companion with the group while their residence or somebody else’s house is being built.
